Basic Poker Strategy - Poker Tips

Don’t acts like a High Roller if you’re just Starting Out

If you’re new to poker in general, start off on lower-stake games to really get the feel of the game before you move up to higher limit tables. A good poker player generally has some practice under their belt, poker is a game of skill - and skills are developed.

Mix Up Your Playing Style.

What works against one table of players may not against another, adjust your style accordingly.

Don’t get Predictable.

Once other players have your strategy figured out (especially in regards to bluffing), you’re on your way to losing your bankroll. Holding the best hand is only a part of poker, making sure others don’t know when you’re holding it is what’s important.

Don’t always Call.

If people don’t rise until the last round of a hand, or you thought you had a better hand coming to you than you wound up with, you might end up in the last round of betting without having contributed much to the pot. When this happens it’s tempting to stay in even with a weak hand, but you should consider the amount of the pot in relation to what it costs to call. Even if other players have weak hands, when the pot is small it’s often not worth the risk when there’s not much to win. Poker wins at!

Don’t switch Tables Frequently.

You can’t expect to read other players when you keep switching tables, and you can’t expect to win if you don’t pick up on people’s habits.

Don’t expect to win every Hand.

Winning at poker means having more chips when you leave the table than when you started, not winning every hand. Cut your losses when you can, and do your best to drive up pot values when chances are you’re holding the winning hand.

Don’t be too bold until you get a feel for the Table.

Try to figure out the habits of the players around you instead of being the one figured out. You can’t tell whose bluffing and who’s not when you’ve only been seated for two hands, so don’t risk too much money until you’re really ready.

Don’t play without Adequate Money at the Table

Many online poker rooms allow players an occasional ‘all-in’, meaning they can stop further betting in a game by putting in the remainder of their bankroll (sparing them from folding because they can’t afford to stay in). Regardless - it’s not wise to play without an adequate stack of chips.

When you only have a few bucks left on the table, it’s hard to bluff - so when you DO raise people will assume you’ve got a good hand (most people won’t risk their last few chips on a losing hand right?). It’s also easy to get bullied off a table when other players raise more than you can afford. Generally speaking, you should have 40-50 times the table limit available in chips when you start, and should buy or bring in more before you run out or get even close.

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